May 04, 2015

Pure Lollipop SystemUI For Sony Xperia C

I am not  responsible if you brick the device. Read instructions carefully before proceeding
 CWM Zip By Me

Full Credits To: John Mark Urrera



1. Your Device Must Be Rooted
2. CWM Recovery Installed
3. You must install  [ROM] Android Lollipop 5.0.1 For Sony Xperia C 2305 before flashing below zip file
4. Download Pure Lollipop SystemUI for Xperia from Link Below
5. Copy It to SD Card Root ( Not into Any other Folder )
6. Reboot to CWM Recovery
7. Install Zip from Sd Card=>Choose Zip From SD Card=> Select Pure Lollipop SystemUI for               Xperia> Select Yes
8. After Flashing Reboot Your Device
9. See a Notification Pure Xperia Upgrading Succes ( Enjoy.........!)

Download From Here

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